Terms And Conditions (Jersey)



Please find below the link to the latest complete Terms and Conditions document as of August 2024.

DownloadDownload our Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions relate to Imperium Trust Company (Jersey) Limited (“Imperium”) and will govern the basis on which Imperium will provide the Services to the Contracting Party and will be deemed to have been agreed by the Contracting Party by its acceptance of any of the Services. Imperium contracts on the basis of these Terms and Conditions and the Letter of Engagement only. Acceptance by Imperium of any instructions from the Contracting Party shall be upon such Terms and Conditions and the Letter of Engagement and shall override and supersede and replace all, and any other terms and conditions stipulated or incorporated by the Contracting Party in its instructions or any negotiations with Imperium unless expressly agreed in writing by Imperium.

A current copy of these Terms and Conditions is also available for inspection at Imperium’s registered office in Jersey during normal business hours.

Imperium may revise the Terms and Conditions and the Letter of Engagement (including, but without limitation, the fees set out in that Letter of Engagement, and as provided for in clause 6.1(b) of these Terms and Conditions) from time to time without the Contracting Party’s prior consent. Changes to the Letter of Engagement (including, without limitation, fees set out in that Letter of Engagement) will be notified to the Contracting Party by ordinary post or e-mail as soon as is reasonably practicable after their introduction, and the Contracting Party’s continuing instructions after such notice is sent will confirm the Contracting Party’s acceptance of the amendments. The Contracting Party shall be bound by any amendment to the Terms and Conditions as and when a copy of the revised document becomes available on Imperium’s website www.imperiumtrust.com or at Imperium’s registered office.