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Imperium Trust Nominated for Magic Circle Award 2022
October 2021 marks the ten year anniversary of Imperium Trust, the Trust business that ultimately led to the established of the Imperium Group that is in place today.
Imperium’s team completed the run in a combined 3hours and 12minutes which saw the team retain the Trust Company Cup as well as winning the Mixed Team Cup for the first time.
As the Imperium Trust team continues its organic growth in Guernsey the requirement to expand our experienced and dynamic team members is a must, we have a focus on client service and having a dedicated Manager level contact point for clients is a vital part of our service offering.
Imperium Funds are continuing to expand their Guernsey operation, with the support of the Imperium Group, a provider of trust and corporate services firm in Guernsey for ten years. Colette Taylor joins Imperium Fund Services Limited as Head of Accounting from August 2021.
Imperium’s Managing Director, David Gilmour has been recognised in Citywealth’s International Financial Centre Awards 2022 in the category of Trustee of the Year – Channel Islands & Isle of Man.
Imperium’s Compliance & Operations Director Rhona Humphreys has been recognised in Citywealth Powerwoman awards 2022.
An industry wide awards process that spans a range of financial services sectors that champions women in the wealth sector and looks to highlight the female leaders of today and tomorrow.
Imperium Group expand into Jersey with acquisition of existing Trust Company.
Imperium host inaugural charity Padel tennis tournament
Imperium Trust Collect Bronze Award for Trust Company of the Year Guernsey
Imperium appoint 2nd Client Services Director
Ian Banneville, promoted to Director of Imperium Trust.